1903, March |
James Gillinder, senior member of Gillinder & Sons, incorporated, Philadelphia, one of the best known flint glass manufactures in the cuntry, died at that place on March 5. He had been ill only a few days and the news of his death was a great shock to all who knew him. Mr. Gillinder was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1844, and came to this country when quite young. He was for a time with the New England Glass Works and afterwards started a factory in Philadelphia, which has grown to be one of the greatest of its kind in the United States. He married Miss Martha W. Bennett, daughter of Edwin Bennett, a prominent pottery manufacturer of Baltimore, in 1867. Deceased was vice-president of the American Association of Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers and also an active member of the National Association of Manufacturers of Pressed and Blown Glassware. A delegation of the former body was present at his funeral, which occurred on March 9, and it was also attended by a large number of glass manufacturers from various sections of the country, as well as representatives of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union. Mr. Gillinder was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was prominent in the charitable and other work of that denomination. He was also one of the fiungers of the Manufacturers' Club, of Philadelphia. He was one of the best posted men in the country, both in therory and practice, in the art of glass making, and was the author of several interesting monographs on the subject. {2047} |